weather in Kappl
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Weather today
-2 °C / 0 °C
Sunshine hours
0 h
Weather forecast for Kappl
How’s the weather?
The early winter cold remains, but there will be a temporary improvement in the weather on Thursday. However, clouds will return during the night into Friday. A warm front will pass through on Friday during the day, bringing some precipitation and causing the snow line to briefly rise to around 1900m above sea level. Overall, according to the latest weather models, this disturbance appears less impactful than previously expected. However, the cold front will then arrive more quickly on Saturday. With heavy cloud cover, significant precipitation is expected by the afternoon, and the snow line will subsequently drop to lower valley levels. Behind the front, we will be in a damp and cold northern weather pattern on Sunday. At the same time, a large-scale low-pressure system will become stationary over Central Europe, trapping the cold air for an extended period. As a result, winter will establish itself sustainably, especially in terms of temperatures. Snow showers, however, will become weaker and less frequent at the beginning of the new week.
Avalanche warning
2 Moderate
The avalanche warning level refers to the Kappl ski area
Live from Kappl
Your stay in Kappl is approaching - now it's time to pack your bags! Important now: a precise weather forecast. But in Kappl, no weather forecaster is needed. The latest data and live images are available via webcam .